Flood Risk: Here’s what homeowners can do

Homeowners are falling behind when it comes to protecting their homes from catastrophic events. As the frequency and severity of events increase across the country so should the preventative measures being taken by homeowners. This is especially the case when it comes to flooding. In fact, the number of homes uninsurable for flood risk is growing.

When discussing flooding throughout the country, Environment Canada’s senior climatologist David Phillips said “I think that is something that we’re going to have to live with in the years to come.”

With few opportunities for snow to melt this winter, a sudden transition to warm weather could increase the flooding risk according to Phillips.

Weather conditions have changed quickly here in Southwestern Ontario. We are now seeing temperatures as high as 13°C, significantly increasing the risk of flooding in the area. Why not take this opportunity to prepare your home for the risk of a flood?

You can reduce the risk of flooding in your home by:

  • Scouting out potential problem areas within the home- during a rain walk around the house and see how water is draining
  • Installing a sump pump with backup power/ battery
  • Ensuring existing sump pump is working properly
  • Looking for early warning signs of a leak such as cracks in the wall or floors, or dampness
  • Completing regular backwater valve maintenance
  • Making sure the home’s downspout extends at least six feet from the foundation
  • Improving drainage through landscaping techniques
  • Properly sealing basement windows and walls





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